Storytelling Plot Twists
Plot twists are a powerful storytelling tool that can captivate audiences, leaving them on the edge of their seats and reeling from unexpect
Storytelling Plot Twists
Research and Novel Writing
Scene-Based Writing vs Writing by Chapter
Breaking LGBTQ Character Stereotypes
The Magic of White Space in Writing
Channeling A Famous Writer
How To Not Write A Book
The Magic of Books
The Emotional Connection Between Authors and Their Characters
Robots Replacing Authors?
A Book Series? Are You Insane?
Writing at a 7th grade reading level?
Where Do Book Titles Come From?
Lambda Literary Award Nominee
Why I Write Southern Literature
Ten-Year Journey to CLIPPED WINGS
WTF Are Beta Readers?
Writer’s Block—Real or Imagined?
Why Point-of-View is Important to a Story
You Might End Up in My Next Book